Frequently Asked Questions




1. I'm having an issue with my subscription. Can you help?

The links below should allow you to resolve the most common subscription issues immediately with just a few clicks. If this doesn't solve your problem, please visit our contact form or email us at [email protected], and we'll get everything straightened out as soon as possible.

Reset my lost password.

All of the following links require you to be logged in:

Cancel my subscription.

Change my subscription term.

Update my billing information.

Change my username, password, or email address. (I know the current ones.)


2. I don't have (or wish to use) a credit card. Do you accept PayPal?

Unfortunately, our site does not yet have the business history to qualify for recurring subscriptions via PayPal. However, if you visit our contact form or email us at [email protected], we will be happy to set up a manual subscription for you. We will invoice you directly from our PayPal business account, then activate your subscription ASAP after we receive your payment.

To prevent the mutual hassle of monthly invoicing, at this time we are only accepting yearly subscriptions when you use PayPal. We offer two options: a standard, non-refundable yearly subscription at the $79.95 rate, or a $94.95 subscription which includes a prorated refund if you decide to cancel early. (This is to prevent folks with no good-faith intention of sticking around for the whole year from using the PayPal option as a loophole for a discounted monthly subscription.) Both options include our standard three-day trial period. Please let us know when you contact us which option you'd prefer.


Site Content


3. What's your update policy?

We're proudly committed to adding at least two clips to the site each and every day. Clips shorter than one minute, and clips that are editing and/or resolution upgrades to scenes that were already on the site, count as half a clip. We also try to post at least one special feature each month. In some cases, a particular update may be a day or two late—because we have lives too and stuff happens—but we'll always catch up.


4. You're missing a scene that I'd love to see on the site. Do you take requests?

Absolutely! We get a kick out of requests and regularly make them our highest priority, so feel free to challenge us. We can't always find the rarest scenes, but we're always up for trying. Use our contact form or email us at [email protected].

We're also open to creative ideas for themed playlists to feature on our front page—especially if you can suggest a few scenes to get us started.

Finally, if you're an experienced video editor with mainstream clips you'd like to share with the world, we'd be honored to welcome you to our roster of associate contributors. We're always happy to grant subscription credit for original clips that meet our standards.


5. You've got a clip of a scene I enjoy, but the video and/or editing quality aren't up to your usual standards. Can I talk you into making a new clip?

We hear you. Our eventual goal for every scene on the site is to provide the highest resolution and best video quality available, with a site-exclusive edit that highlights the "good parts," but that also respects the intentions of its creators and avoids choppy transitions or other editing artifacts that damage its flow. We're well aware that not every legacy clip from every source lives up to that standard, but given a choice between providing that clip or none at all until we have time to revisit the scene, we've generally chosen the former.

If you run across a scene that's crying out for a resolution or editing upgrade, by all means let us know via our contact form or an email to [email protected].


Technical Issues


6. The video clips are not playing when I click on them. Can you help?

First, make sure your browser and operating system are compatible with our video streaming provider's minimum requirements. Second, try to disable browser plugins that may be conflicting with the video player, especially ad blockers. If temporarily disabling your ad blocker does solve the problem, and if it supports a whitelist of sites with which it will not attempt to intervene, we encourage you to add our site to that list and reenable the plugin. (In case you're concerned about unwanted content and/or privacy: we currently allow ads only within the Disqus comment interface, and we employ a bare minimum of cookies.) Third, try clearing your browser cache.

If these steps don't solve the problem, please contact us with the details of your hardware and software platform, and we'll be happy to help with additional troubleshooting. In general, we do not recommend using the "Report playback issue" menu item that can be found under Settings in the video player. This form goes directly to our streaming provider, but we'll most likely never see your report, so we won't be able to help. Please use our contact form or email us at [email protected].


7. Do you support downloading video clips for offline viewing?

We do now! There is an additional fee for downloads, and certain terms apply. Please visit our clip download request form for further details.


8. I think I've found a bug on the site. How do I report it?

Please use our contact form or email us at [email protected]. Be sure to let us know which site URLs are affected, and include details about your platform, including your desktop or mobile hardware, operating system software, and web browser.