You asked, we listened: the older weekly recaps are back! We had recently removed over 60 of them from our front page, in part because we felt that the page was becoming too large (and we haven't yet gotten a paging widget to display properly with our customizations), and in part because we decided that we really didn't care much for the collages that we'd been using as cover images. What we didn't fully appreciate was the extent to which our visitors still considered those recaps a useful resource! They're back for good now, and we've even updated them with sexy new cover images.
(If for some odd reason you actually miss the collages, don't worry: you can still find them on the recap pages themselves.)
This week's contributors: Joker, FakeForger, Secret Tunnel Media, MysteryGuest
Countries represented: Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Venezuela, USA
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