Weekly Recap #11

Weekly Recap #11


So, from a distance, this might look like just another week of fresh edits...but behind the scenes, we're joined by a guest editor who swears he's never done this before. We'd like to believe him, but take a look at his clips of the 2019 indie goldmine Nesting Dolls or an episode of the Turkish series Sakarya-Firat and tell us if you buy it. Anyway, while he's chosen to remain anonymous for the moment, we'd still like to take a moment and thank him publicly. Good stuff.

Meanwhile, the Sled-athon continued with nine new edits, and we wrapped up our mini-flood of clips from the classic Ginger trilogy. Then a certain famous scene from the '80s turned up looking prettier than ever, so we tossed that up, along with another double-damsel scene from V.I.P. with one damsel in common. Furia Texana, an extremely bondage-friendly Mexican feature from 2001, finally got its due. And we closed the week with a few scenes from Women, coming soon to a streaming platform near you!

Weekly Recap #11

  • Furia Texana (2001)
    Milagros Rueda, Itzel Ramos
  • Furia Texana (2001)
    Milagros Rueda, Itzel Ramos
  • Girls Are for Loving (1973)
    Cheri Caffaro, Sheila Leighton
  • Nesting Dolls (2019)
    Jenna Krasowski
  • Nesting Dolls (2019)
    Jenna Krasowski
  • Partners in Crime (1984)
    Getting in Shape
    Loni Anderson, Lynda Carter
  • Sakarya-Firat (2009)
    Episode 02.14
    Ceren Hindistan
  • Sled (2007)
    Slaboe mesto
  • Sled (2007)
    Poslednjaja ljubov' Stepanycha
  • Sled (2007)
    Prizraki bolot
  • Sled (2007)
    Edinstvennyj vyhod
  • Sled (2007)
    Kreativnoe myshnenie
  • Sled (2007)
  • Sled (2007)
  • Sled (2007)
    Hrustal'nyj zamok
  • Sled (2007)
    Inogda oni vozvrashhajutsja
  • The Abductors (1972)
    Jeramie Rain, Ined Som, Honey Well, Gerie Bronson
  • The Abductors (1972)
    Laurie Rose, Cheri Caffaro
  • V.I.P. (1998)
    Stop or Val's Mom Will Shoot
    Pamela Anderson, Loni Anderson
  • Women (2021)
    Anna Maiche, Anna Marie Dobbins

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