A ScreenTies Tribute to Ukraine

A ScreenTies Tribute to Ukraine

Headline image: Producer Marina Ovsyannikova storms the set of Russian evening news on March 14, 2022.
Front page teaser image: Future Ukraininan president Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Vera Brezhneva in Vecherniy Kiev (2015).

Not to name names (Putin), but it's become fashionable in certain authoritarian circles (Putin) to claim that Ukraine is not a "real" country (Putin).

This is news to us, and we have to ask: could a non-real country do this?

As many DiD fans know, Ukraine has been responsible in recent years for some of the most impressive mainstream bondage scenes to be found anywhere. But did you know that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself features prominently in one of those scenes? Well, you do now! Many thanks to our friend blowthelights for sending along this 2015 scene from the variety show Вечерний Киев (aka Vecherniy Kiev), which Zelenskyy co-produced and co-hosted.

ScreenTies stands with the people of Ukraine and is proud to feature almost an hour of their best DiD work on our site. Most of those scenes are included here, but subscribers can find every last one by entering "Ukraine" in the search bar and clicking on the menu item that appears.

A ScreenTies Tribute to Ukraine

  • Ahenty spravedlyvosti (2016)
    Slidami zvira
    Anna Samіnіna
  • Ahenty spravedlyvosti (2016)
    Slidami zvira
    Anna Samіnіna
  • 'Alibi' na dvoikh (2011)
    Kristina Asmus
  • 'Alibi' na dvoikh (2011)
    Svetlana Antonova
  • Bez Tebya (2021)
    Episode 01.15
  • Bratya po krovi (2019)
    Episode 02.08
    Dasha Tregubova
  • Elena i kapitan (2021)
    Episode 01.04
    Dasha Tregubova
  • Na Troih (2015)
    Episode 09.14
    Yana Glushchenko
  • Pes (2015)
    Olga Oleksiy
  • Posledniy ment (2015)
    Серия 2
  • S volkami zhit (2019)
    Episode 01.06
    Anastasia Rula
  • S volkami zhit (2019)
    Episode 01.07
    Anastasia Rula
  • Sled (2020)
    September 17, 2020
  • Sled (2020)
    November 18, 2020
  • Sled (2020)
    November 30, 2020
  • Drugaja ja (2018)
    Episode 01.03
    Anastasiya Zadorozhnaya
  • V plenu u proshlogo (2021)
    Episode 01.15
  • Ya podaryu tebe rassvet (2018)
    Episode 01.03
    Alyona Kolomina
  • Vecherniy Kiev (2005)
    October 30, 2015
    Vera Brezhneva

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